Cultivating WOrk Ecosystems for Humans

Time for a work culture detox?

This tool will help you shift your organization's culture based on your current strengths and challenges, without disrupting your current business operations.

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    Faith Clarke has the ability to move comfortably from the general philosophy of a business (a school, in our case) to its daily implementation. She helped us clarify the overall mission of our program in a way that helped our team become more intentional about our work culture.

    Mark Jacobs, Director of Longview School


    Your organization’s culture impacts every part of your employees’ work lives.

    • Onboarding
    • Team workflow
    • Communication
    • Conflict management
    • Team member excitement and engagement

    All these (plus the micro-moments in between) are affected by the workplace culture, which massively impacts our ability to get work done.

    Let's not just "let culture happen".
    Let's design it.

    Culture design is a combination of art and science and it can be hard to know where to start and what to do that won't derail important business operations. It can feel like changing the tires while the bus is still driving!

    The 5 Biz Culture Questions will help you do figure out what to do right now. Together, you and your leadership team can create a simple strategy to cultivate a healthy, restorative culture for all the humans that interact with your organization.

    After my team's custom workshop with Faith, I felt both deeply validated by the work we've already done internally to build culture and was full of ideas for how to strengthen and maintain that culture in the future.

    Lacy Boggs, Director of The Content Direction Agency.


    • A clear understanding of how your organization's culture may be impacting your work teams.
    • A detailed description of how you and your leaders can get answers to the five culture design questions.
    • Upon completion, a 3-5 minute video describing your results and 1-2 culture design priorities and action steps.
    • An optional short consultation to further personalize your culture shift priorities.

    I particularly love how Faith layers in practical, actionable strategies with the research to back it up.

    Glain Roberts-Mcabe, Founder and President of The Roundtable

    Faith helped me consider both personal blocks and societal/systemic injustices and helped me brainstorm nourishing practises to help bring all of me - and all of my team - full and wholeheartedly into doing our best work. She has guided me on how to run a truly inclusive business, smooth out communication challenges within my team and ensure we are all sufficiently emotionally supported within our work so that our business can thrive.

    Jack Mason-Goodall, Founder and Director of Autism Optimism International, Psychologist, Autism Play-Therapy Consultant